Quick yogurt


Making yogurt is a simple way to feed the kids healthy inexpensively.   No additives or preservatives.

All you need is a gallon of milk and half a cup of plain yogurt.

Bring the milk to 180 degrees, then remove from heat and allow the heat  drop to 110.   Stir in 1/2c plain yogurt.  Pour mixture into 4 mason jars.  Place in a large picnic cooler.  Use the hottest tap water you have to fill up to the neck of the jars, close the lid overnight.  In the morning you have a gallon of plain yogurt for less then $4.

Sweeten to taste, I usually add wild black  raspberries that we picked and froze last summer.


For detailed instructions please see a wonderful blog site, I attended her cheese making class.  She is quite an inspiration!
